Please consider supporting BMS, whether it’s through buying one of these auctions, or donating via Patreon or GoFundMe. If you want to donate to us directly through Paypal, then here is the link.

If you subscribe to us through Patreon, you get to see the next set of strips early and get exclusive content. All money helps keep BMS going from the cost of the website to helping with my expensive monthly medical bills and health insurance. We can not publish BMS for sale as it is only a fan project, so we rely on fan support for the project’s continuation.

We’re almost out of coins, so if you were planning on adding one of these top quality BMS souvenirs to your collection, get in quick!

BMS Challenge Coin


20160901_213145We want our most passionate of fans to be able to have a memento of Blue Milk Special that is unique. So we are introducing the new super snazzy challenge coin featuring some of the most popular BMS characters. Side A features the evil latte drinking overlord with Muggy, and Side B features Biggs swinging a disinterested Smoking Princess across a desert.

Coin measures 1.5 inches wide. These are hefty little beasts, made of high quality, gloss-coated nickel. Nice and shiny and limited to an EXTREMELY exclusive run of just 100.

We are offering our Patreon subscribers the opportunity to purchase the BMS coin at a 20% discount.

Please allow 1-2 weeks for processing and shipping.

**A note for International purchasers: Shipping outside of the US– even for this small coin– is ridiculous, so please consider purchasing an additional item to make it worth your while. (We’re sorry!)**
