Today’s Adventures of Grand Moff Tarkin flashback continues with the dinner party arranged by the recent unexpected arrival of Lady Thalassa Tarkin.

Just because it’s still relevant to today’s strip as well as yesterday’s I’m keeping the link below about the 1978 Making of Star Wars documentary which ties into the Luke and Leia possibility that existed prior to TESB and Lucas making his final decision concerning their relationship. Before that, however, it’s time for today’s bonus strip, the latest episode in the Tarkin Adventures flashback series.

If you watch the fantastic “Making of Star Wars” documentary from 1978 you’ll see some great behind the scenes footage AND some really cool (if brief) interviews with the three main stars. You can watch the documentary on YouTube. At about 7 min 15 sec in to Part 5, Carrie Fisher makes her thoughts public about Princess Leia’s quandry (at the time) over whether to get with Luke or Han. We’ve quoted Carrie almost word for word in panel 3. Note that at the time of this documentary it had not been decided (or revealed depending on how much credibility you put in George Lucas’ “I planned it all” statement) that Luke and Leia were family.

We will be launching a series of podcasts sometime in the next few weeks. We’d like to involve the fans. You can send any questions or feedback to us by email Twitter or post them in reply to the discussion on our Facebook Fan Page. So get to it! We look forward to hearing from you!.

For the next three weeks Blue Milk Special will be updating five times a week + 3 Tarkin flashback strips. That’s 8 strips a week. That means you can check back every day of the week and get more BMS! If you missed it, here’s the Monday and Tuesday strips.

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