Continuing on from last Friday as well as refering back to our building continuity between Wedge and Biggs in another spin-off storyarc, today’s strip was fun to make. We have some huge drama (for a gag strip that is) in store in the next week between the two minor-character pilots, so look out for that.

Today’s Adventures of Grand Moff Tarkin flashback concludes the unexpected arrival of Lady Thalassa Tarkin. She was with us for a nice little stint, but alas, she must return to the Expanded Universe along with Daala and let the events of A New Hope play out as naturally as Blue Milk Special will allow. We hope you enjoyed her appearance in the strip. Maybe there will be room for a future cameo someday?

For the next couple of weeks Blue Milk Special will be updating five times a week + 3 Tarkin flashback strips. That’s 8 strips a week. That means you can check back every day of the week and get more BMS!

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