The animated segment from the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special, The Story of the Faithful Wookiee, opens with an alien alphabet that looks as if it’s an untranslated anime, although to the best of my knowledge it was produced by Nelvana in Canada. I supposed they were doing their best, in the spirit of Star Wars, to be as authentically alien and distant as possible. This coming from a film series that has sound effects in space! Combined with the opening monologue ripped straight out of Star Trek we indulged by taking it one step further.

Thanks to the help of Geoffrey Padilla, our new resident 3D modeler, for the new version Corellian Corvette you see in panels 2 and 3. This has replaced the far more detailed texture that gave the previous models (snagged from X-Wings games) a very realistic look that didn’t fit well with Blue Milk Special’s cartoon style. We hope you agree, it looks fantastic. More revisions to past strips still to come. 🙂

Watch the opening of the animated short below, courtesy of YouTube.

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