For our new readers I want to introduce the Blue Milk Carton FaceBook fanpage, set up by BMSketeer, T. Gatto.

It all started a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, when T. Gatto contacted General Rod Kenobi with a paper milk carton template using BMS art. We loved it! The BMS milk carton made its debut as a giveaway at Baltimore Comic Con 2010 and we quickly set about printing more. The paper milk cartons were a hit! As you can imagine, we were more than happy to put T. Gatto’s papercrafting skills to work in our Spice Mines where he labors to this very day, making all manner of Star Wars and NON-SW related milk cartons under the cruel lash of the Smoking Jawa.

The collection has grown to epic proportions and even inspired its own webcomic series Milk Carton Theater: A fan made parody of a fan made parody… OMG It’s like INCEPTION, only with fans! You should definitely get a kick! 😉 Go “LIKE” T.’s cool new Face Book fan page and check out his masterpieces.

Here’s the latest Milk Carton Theater . You can find the archive here.