It is a dark time for the
Rebellion. Although the Death
Star has been destroyed,
Imperial troops have driven the
Rebel forces from their hidden
base and pursued them across
the galaxy.

Evading the dreaded Imperial
Starfleet, a group of freedom
fighters led by Luke Skywalker
has established a new secret
base on the remote ice world
of Hoth.

The evil lord Darth Vader,
obsessed with finding young
Skywalker, has dispatched
thousands of remote probes into
the far reaches of space….

For some reason that always read to me like Luke was personally responsible for choosing Hoth. This was fun to play with as it helped shape our naive and whimsical version of Luke which is still taking shape at the moment and will develop further in the upcoming Dagobah scenes. That means that we’re only a couple months away from Yoda’s first ever appearance in Blue Milk Special. Neither Leanne nor myself know what he will look like in the BMS style yet!

By the way, BMS is being translated into Spanish at the moment and will appear on a separate site designed by one of our fans to host the Spanish versions. Spanish versions will also start appearing here with a Spanish flag link below each strip. If you would like to translate BMS into French, Russian, German, or any other language that you speak, please let us know as we would love you help.

Comic and animator Neil Baker contributed this tongue-in-cheek translation of the current strip into Cockney!