soteTC026-Swoop Troop AttackC3PO would have LOVED to have been present to add commentary in this scene! I’ve attached some of the Shadows of the Empire trading card art by the Brothers’ Hildebrant. We really sweated to get this one done. I was in a ton of pain last night, but slugged my way through it. Without Leanne, though, this strip would not have been possible. Almost entirely new art. Great job, Leanne! You are amazing!

Attention! We need 3D rendering / modeling help.

If you would like to assist the Blue Milk Special team in the area of providing cel-shaded renders of Star Wars space craft then please shoot me an email. I need some assistance for upcoming strips. Geoffrey Padilla, our go to guy, is currently unavailable due to that pesky thing called life. We wish Geoff the best and hope he feels better soon!

Basically, 3D models are mostly provided by, so you don’t necessarily need to be able to model to be able to help me out. I just need renders of several space craft at particular angles. Ideally, these will be rendered with simplified cel-shading (the cartoony style seen in the strip). Credit should be given to the original creator of the model used. I don’t have the software, the know how, or the time to do this myself. So if you want to contribute to the greater glory of the Blue Milk Special empire, then email me and let me know.

soteTC027-Luke Axes a Swooper

soteTC028-Good Ol' Beggar's Canyon