Luke and Lando have infiltrated Xizor’s palace on Coruscant thanks to the help of Dash Rendar and Leonardo, the Ninja Turtle. Luke found Leia in a leotard and negligee and is left with burning questions. Together with Chewie, the gang come face to face with Prince Xizor and his perfect human woman replica droid, Guri. What actually happens is a little scuffle between good guys and the bad guys, before the ass pull of throwing Thermal Detonators down the palace garbage shoots, making it impossible to try to disarm them all before the palace explodes. This forces everyone to flee screaming. Yes, I may have thrown in the bit about the Ninja Turtle, but what the hell. I’m not ruining the story. 🙂

Voyage Trekkers Season Two

bms120I posted a couple of weeks ago about the sci-fi parody web series, Voyage Trekkers launching it’s second season. It’s hard to convince people to check it out without sharing the videos to give them a chance to find out for themselves just how much fun the show is.

The show is produced by Squishy Studios, and like BMS, can only happen with the donation of time and talent from many creative people. Voyage Trekker’s does succeed in being very polished for it’s budget, even though any budget limitations usually work in their favor, helping to poke fun in a loving way at the triumphs and facepalms of the sci-fi genre.

I’m starting the list off with a Star Wars themed episode: “Laser Swords at Dawn”. If you enjoy, please give the videos a thumbs up on their YouTube pages for each video, and follow them on Twitter and Facebook. Nathan Blackwell, the series creator is a great guy and Voyage Trekkers really deserves to get some recognition.

Voyage Trekkers – Season 2 – Episode 2 – Laser Swords at Dawn