For the next four weeks Blue Milk Special will be updating five times a week + 3 Tarkin flashback strips. That’s 8 strips a week. That means you can check back every day of the week and get more BMS! If you missed it, here’s the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday strips.

Above you’ll find a more legible snapshot of Leia’s iPhone. @-_-@ Inspired by our REAL online Twitter peeps DarthVader , PrincessLeia and Blue Milk Special artist Leanne Hannah. By the way, we don’t use the word “peeps” in every day conversation. Today’s strip stars Commander Vanden Willard and Princess Leia. Willard may end up being General Jan “stray hands” Dodonna’s replacement after the Rebel Party scandal. See last Tuesday for an insight into the cause. Also, note the uncanny resemblance between Commander Willard and Vice President Joseph Biden. Weird.

Leia’s dangerous publicizing of her rebel activities are tributes to several of the early newspaper strips published between the release of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. Adventures referenced include: “Gambler’s World”, “Princess Leia, Imperial Servant”, “Bring Me The Children”, and “As Long As We Live”. This is our little nod towards the much simpler and less convoluted world of the early Expanded Universe.

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