swSANDSTORMToday’s strip is set during one of the deleted scenes. This is a pretty cool scene from Return of the Jedi which, though not vital to the plot, was still nice to see.

Luke gets ANOTHER kiss from Leia while blurry-eyed Han stands right beside them. We chose not to give the BMS characters the luxury of protective robes and scarves for this strip for two reasons. Firstly, where in the heck did they obtain these between the Skiff landing site and the Falcon? Secondly, we really didn’t feel like drawing them as it would have just made making our twice weekly update goal more challenging. But the added benefit for Leia fans is that we get to appreciate her fine body. Oh, and everyone’s favorite Jawa is back!

Although Threepio and Artoo Detoo aren’t shown in this strip, they are indeed present (just for the record).

Here is the reconstructed deleted Sandstorm scene. Although it lacks audio, if you have the Star Wars Blu Rays, you can watch the whole scene. Otherwise, you can read the Return of the Jedi transcript online to get the dialogue that way.


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