Saun Dann, played by Art Carney, is one of the few reasonably positive things to come out of the Holiday Special. I say reasonably positive in the context of the Holiday Special being… well, what it is. Leanne found an appreciation for him while drawing the character for BMS. Notice the double pen pockets on either lapel of his overcoat. It is an incorporation of the Imperial officer uniform, which shows that genuine effort was made by the design team to emulate the feel of the Star Wars film… at least, in the case of Saun Dann and the Wookiees, Itchy notwithstanding. Neither of us could be bothered having two versions of Saun Dann (with coat and without) so we just opted for the coat and so we’re not entirely faithful to this particular scene. But as my old uncle Ben would say, W.R.G.A.S.?

Other than that, I’m not sure if Leanne actually likes the bumbling rebel, but for some reason I find he’s charming in his own sort of way. Perhaps again, I’m looking at him out of context. A lot of things look good compared to the Holiday Special, after all.

Leanne just corrected me. She says “no, I don’t care for him”. She also adds that he says his name “Saundann” as if he has to say it really fast or he’ll explode. This has become a running joke in the BMS household with Leanne muttering “saundann” every so often out of the blue. For a minute I thought about working that into a strip, but I think it works better between the two of us. 😉 We are odd.

Watch the third part of the Holiday Special below… Note the weird voice effect for the Imperial Fleet trooper in Saun Dann’s general store. I don’t know why they dubbed him, but the echo and the performance is far from subtle. Actually, so is Saun Dann’s hint about a certain shaggy carpet made “by hand. Solo”.

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