Our names are Leanne and Rod Hannah, creators of the long-running comedy webcomic, Blue Milk Special. After five years, our desktop workstation finally died. We use it to do all the digital art, inking, coloring, composition, lettering, effects, uploading and maintaining the websites and webcomic platforms where we publish. Currently, we cannot continue our work. Being an artist is hard. Pay is often unreliable and irregular. We cannot afford to replace the computer even with credit.

It happens at a time when we have begun fostering three new rescue kittens (just four months old at the time of writing), bringing our kitty pack to five cats. Neutering, vaccines, boosters, coccidia illness medicine, plus litter and food for five cats has caused us to bleed money at a time when we are not getting paid for a large freelance project. Then Rod had a car accident and we had the cost of repairs. Now the computer is kaput and we just don’t know what to do but ask for help from our readers and friends.

This GoFundMe, if successful, will pay for the workstation and DOES NOT include monitors and peripherals. I feel bad enough asking for so much money, so I am keeping it to the bare essentials. If we surpass our goal, we can put it towards a second monitor, Wacom tablet and more that will help keep BMS ticking for hopefully many years to come.

For years we have used Blue Milk Special as a vehicle to rally and support various charities from StandUp2Cancer to children’s charities. If our readers can spare a little to throw our way this Holiday Season we would, as always, be eternally grateful for your faith and support.

Please consider supporting BMS, whether it’s through buying one of these auctions, or donating via Patreon or GoFundMe. If you want to donate to us directly through Paypal, then here is the link.

If you subscribe to us through Patreon, you get to see the next set of strips early and get exclusive content. All money helps keep BMS going from the cost of the website to helping with my expensive monthly medical bills and health insurance. We can not publish BMS for sale as it is only a fan project, so we rely on fan support for the project’s continuation.