My thanks go out to Leanne for taking care of Friday’s blog and saying hello to you all. Now that I’m back I wanted to give a shout out to Hello Greedo. For those unaware, Hello Greedo is a YouTube channel giving candid opinions on Star Wars VII news as it breaks as well as Original Trilogy purist reviews of the Special Edition changes and the Prequel Trilogy.

I was won over, specifically, by Hello Greedo’s thoughts on the changes to Star Wars: A New Hope with the 1997 Special Edition. It is so nice to hear someone sticking up for cantina aliens that are cut out of the movie forever, special effects artists whose ground breaking work is now lost behind CGI retconning, or reminding us about the pointless inclusion of scenes that add nothing to the story.

Warning, the videos contain occasional NSFW language AND if you LOVE the prequels and Special Editions, then you probably won’t appreciate Hello Greedo’s perspective or cynical humor. I, however, have a lot of fun listening to rational criticism wrapped with a little creativity and humor. While I love Red Letter Media’s deconstructions of the Prequels, and Confused Matthew’s Prequel reviews, I think Hello Greedo manages it with brevity and a refreshing take that is not just another angry rant.

Hello Greedo is, of course, going to get a lot of hate mail, but as he’s pointed out, and as I too can relate, just because we don’t like something, does not mean we are part of some “Lucas raped my childhood” drama queen bandwagon. These days, Youtube channels from angry fans can spring up all the time, and I’m sure Prequel / Clone Wars and Lucas fans can justifiably feel there is a hipster bandwagon right now that has made it cool to attack the franchise that made us fans. Hello Greedo is not one of those people.

With Blue Milk Special, I’ve always tried to be respectful to Star Wars fans as a whole. Like it or not, the Prequels, the Clone Wars and the worst of the Expanded Universe, are a part of the Star Wars franchise and universe. I know what it’s like to have the things I love attacked or hated on. Rather than go to war about it, I choose to simply ignore them for the most part and focus THAT much harder on the elements of Star Wars that I love most.

One of the things that makes Blue Milk Special therapeutic is that we use humor to make our points and our love for Star Wars remains a driving force throughout the project. That’s why Red Letter Media, Confused Matthew and now Hello Greedo resonated so well with me. They package their opinions with a sense of humor, and in the case of Hello Greedo, it is an ongoing series of YouTube episodes that are short, sweet and not limited simply to reviews, but include news pieces and occasional gags. Hello Greedo is also on Facebook.

Hello Greedo

Hello Greedo