I know we were running a bit late, but here’s the deal… Leanne and I both do the whole 8-5 day job thing and try to fit the fun creative side of our careers into our evenings and weekends. Leanne has some opportunities right now that have to take priority over our little Star Wars fan project, meaning that the brunt of the workload falls back on me. I was almost going to skip doing a new strip today when self-imposed guilt coupled with sudden inspiration changed my mind.

We’ll be back on Monday and Friday next week as we prepare to wrap up the Holiday Special in time for Star Wars: Celebration V. No, we won’t be attending, but you will find some fantastic exclusive promotional BMS postcards at the event being handed out by our awesome costumed volunteers. If you would like to aide them and help us out with a bit of promotion we’d love to hear from you.

While Bo Shek and Smoking Jawa return for cameos in today’s strip, we had a few cantina aliens that had yet to make an appearance and this seemed the perfect place for their debut. From left to right: the Duro husband and wife, Kleeklak (that green mantis thing), Kabe (the little bat creature), Hem Dazon (the triangle head), Muftak (the furry beeping whatsit?), Myo Abyssin and Nabrun Leids.

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