Looks like our heroes have picked up some extra baggage from the Death Star.

We are closing in on Blue Milk Special’s 8th anniversary in February. That seems like a really long time… We’ve been on Return of the Jedi since 2013, but we should have the final arc of the original trilogy complete by the end of our anniversary month. Along the way, we’ve created a spin off series starring Biggs Darklighter called Darklighter Chronicles which you can read by supporting us on Patreon. There are other ways to support our work and help us towards further parodies of the EU and sequel / prequel movies, see below…

We are now listed on Webtoons which works on your web browser or your smart phone app and allows you to read Blue Milk Special in a brand new VERTICAL format. Here’s an example on the left, though to read it full size, click the link to go straight to Webtoons.

We will be reformatting all our strips, including the wide panel ones, to work on Webtoons. What we would love from you is your support. If you already have Webtoons, then please subscribe to us, share our work, and give us a heart. If you don’t have Webtoons, sign up, or download it. There are many other great webcomics to discover.

Obviously, supporting us on Webtoons is totally free and requires only a minute of your time each day.

Also, we appreciate all the financial support we cant get to keep Blue Milk Special up and running. We recently had some website bugs and had to get a new backup and update installed. As a fan project we can’t monetize Blue Milk Special, so if you enjoy the comic and it gives you a few laughs, then please consider throwing some financial support our way. We deeply appreciate it, and we could not continue without the support of those who have done so already.

Please consider supporting BMS, whether it’s through buying one of these auctions, or donating via Patreon or GoFundMe. If you want to donate to us directly through Paypal, then here is the link.

If you subscribe to us through Patreon, you get to see the next set of strips early and get exclusive content. All money helps keep BMS going from the cost of the website to helping with my expensive monthly medical bills and health insurance. We can not publish BMS for sale as it is only a fan project, so we rely on fan support for the project’s continuation.