First off, Yoda is a sneaky sensei, telling Luke that he has nothing more to teach him today only to blindside him by ordering him to go into some evil cave– a “domain of evil” no less! Ah! But here is a turning point for “whiny” Luke in more ways than one. Yeah, we all know that he enters the cave and has to face the fear of his own temptation to the dark side… but in this very scene, Luke DOES NOT ACTUALLY WHINE ABOUT IT! After a long day of running through a sticky, slimy swamp with a guy clinging to his back who can’t speak English.. er… Galactic Basic properly, Luke doesn’t give much argument when he is told that his day’s work isn’t actually over yet. He suddenly has to go into a snake infested mud hole as well! Sure, he takes his weapons despite being told not to, but he didn’t whine about this sudden addition to the day’s training curriculum. Just thought I should point it out for everyone who likes to pick on Luke and forget how he develops throughout the movies. The star of the trilogy really does go through a journey and evolves into a mature, tragic hero by its end.

Another thing I’d like to mention is that you never actually see the cave entrance. You see a hole in the ground from the perspective of someone already inside the cave, but how Luke spotted it in the first place, I don’t know. I watched the scene frame-by-frame for this strip, and you never actually see the cave entrance from the outside. Amazing how a few clever shots and dialogue create the illusion in our minds of having seen it. So, how did Luke spot it? Must have been it’s evil forciness I guess. Still, I decided the addition of a sign post would help sell the scene.

I’m going to take a moment to pimp out Phil’s Living Room Wars. Using action figures and his own household army of cats, Phil gives us the untold story of Luke Skywalker’s other battle on Hoth. The storyline has been heating up, with the addition of the Star Trek: The Next Generation crew. What Phil is doing over at Living Room Wars is wonderful and has given me many laughs. If you haven’t checked it out yet, then do so!

I am closing the comments feature for the foreseeable future. As much as we love hearing people’s enthusiasm and feedback, Blue Milk Special is a lot of work and with lots of drama in our lives hearing the inevitable criticisms does tend to knock the old enthusiasm a bit. There is still the option to email us or to comment via the Facebook fan page.