Ah… the Klingons. I won’t get into a discussion of these beloved Star Trek villains just yet. There will be a more appropriate time soon enough. As for speaking Klingon, if you go back to the Search For Spock, you’ll see there were no subtitles. I like to think they were actually arguing about what color socks go best with their uniforms and getting really angry about it.

If you’re feeling really nerdy, you can translate the Klingon dialogue using Bing translator, Klingon to English. https://www.bing.com/translator/.

I preferred the Romulans… well from The Original Series of Trek, anyway. In TNG they were given the funny forehead disease that afflicts all Trek aliens and, in my opinion, became very one-dimensional as evil villains. If anything, the honorable Romulan we saw in “Balance of Terror” (one of my favorite episodes of TOS) was used as the template for the Klingons. The Romulans quickly fell into disuse, and by the time of TNG, misuse. The Klingons were even given the later Romulan ship design. Still, Worf made Klingons likeable, and for the first 5 seasons of TNG was one of the best things about the series.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend! May the Forciness be with you!